The softer the hand the better the results!
What is exfoliation? Exfoliation, sometimes called peeling, literally means “removal of layers”.
The skin cells grow in layers from the depths to the surface, where they eventually die and leave the skin unnoticed as fine flakes. This process of continuous renewal takes just a few weeks, but can significantly slow down with age resulting in accumulations of dead cells that get “stuck” on the surface.
The skin surface becomes rougher and since those dead cell layers can’t retain any moist, the skin feels dry and lean.
Exfoliation is the process whereby dead skin cells on the skin surface are removed. A signal of regeneration is sent to the underlying living cell layers. The result is a fresher, newer skin.
Exfoliation for home use is primarily achieved by two techniques. A mechanical one based on particles, which we call scrub and a chemical on based on acids which we often call peeling. When scrubbing, we abrade the dead cells of the upper layer while the acids soak off the cells by dissolving the “glue” between the cells.
Top dermatologists concerned with the aesthetics of the skin, have been sworn for many years that the concept of exfoliation is the main remedy against aging. Thus continuing the tradition which had already proven its effectiveness at the time of Cleopatra.
The removal of this layer with a scrub is done with softness, regularity, and preferably on a wet skin after shower or bath in the evening. An amount of scrub the size of an almond nut is sufficient for a full face. The fine grains under your flat hand making rotating movements without any form of pressure, remove the old flakes and thus make room for new young skin cells. This whole process takes a minute and for sensitive skins only 15 seconds. Hereafter the grains are rinsed off thoroughly and the next care with adapted serums and creams can follow. A good scrub contains sufficient particles and also the necessary soothing and protective ingredients to counteract this slight aggression.