The future is already here
“While the skin care market place is exploding with new products and brands, there is no intelligent way to choose the right products for the individual skin needs. As a dermatologist, I meet every day women who are confused and frustrated about this situation. Assessing the individual skin needs and customization of the cosmetic products accordingly, is the future of the cosmetic world. With YourSkinType© skin analysis accompanied by cosmetics that fit your skin- the future is already here.”
Dr. Marina LANDAU is a leading figure at the World congresses for Anti-Ageing (IMCAS, AAD, ISDS, …) and co-author of a textbook on Anti-Ageing.
Marina Landau MD
Dermatology and Cosmetic Dermatology
Immediate Past President
Israel Society for Dermatologic Surgery
56 Joshua Ben Nun Street
Herzlia Pituach, Israel
Tel: 972-9-9505151
Fax: 972-9-9544579

Dr Marina Landau
DermatologistThe patient is certain to receive adapted cosmetics
With this new procedure, the patient is certain to receive adapted cosmetics from IKARI and an objective response based on reproducible photographic analysis. With the “YourSkinType” skin analysis accompanied by cosmetics that fit your skin – you can expect results that have a scientific basis!”
Dr Hugues Cartier, former chief, graduated in Dermatology and Phlebology at the University of France. Today Headchief at Arras Hospital, North of France for skinsurgery and wound healing and at a private medical center for laser and cosmetics.
He has published a long series of articles and chapters in books in different national and international journals covering various topics of the aesthetic field.
He is co-author of the latest French book (edition Doin): “laser in dermatology”. He is board member of Groupe Laser of French Society of Dermatology and French Society of Aesthetic Medicine. Dr. Hugues Cartier is regularly presenting at national and international congresses (IMCAS, EMAA, ESLD, etc) in the aesthetic, laser and dermatological field.

Dr. Hugues Cartier
Headchief Dermatology at Arras Hospital FranceDE FELIPE Dermatology Clinic
Dr. de Felipe has always given priority at offering solutions to solving skin problems and skin ageing. With this objective he has been clinical manager for several companies and clinics related to medicine. Since 2004 he is the medical director of Hedonai Centros medico estéticos, today more than 40 in Spain and Portugal. At the beginning of 2007 he opened his own clinic at the heart of Barcelona, Clínica Dermatológica De Felipe, where the most advanced techniques and the modular system of IKARI customized cosmetics are offered.
Medical Director / Doctor specialized in dermatology and injectables for rejuvenation
Queens Academy London
2A Highgate Rd, London NW5 1NR
Muntaner Street 254, 08021 Barcelona
Menendez Pelayo Avenue 8, 28007 Madrid

Dr. Iñigo de Felipe
Dermatologist100% Recommended
“When I was searching for a high end brand to meet de requirements of my demanding patients I came across IKARI Cosmetics and the YourSkinType© method of skin analysis. The professional advice and the high end quality of this Swiss brand are perfectly matching the skin types of my Asian patients. Even in notoriously very difficult cases of pigment disorders we achieve visible results in a short time span. The smells and textures are appealing and are exactly what our patients expected from a luxury brand. With IKARI Cosmetics we have found the professional tool needed in this type of clinic.”
Dr. Meera Shastri runs a clinic for natural medicine and rejuvenation together with her husband Dr. Murkund D. Shastri in the posh area of Koragaon Park. Both graduated from Puna University more than 20 years ago. Dr. Meera Shastri is also lecturing at Mumbai University.
Dr. Meera Shastri
Natural Aesthetic Medicine
Ragvilas Society, Koregaon Park,
Pune, Maharashtra 411001,

Dr. Meera Shastri
Natural Aesthetic MedicineIKARI, Simply!
… it is the most Incredible Keyword of how to Amazingly Reflect your Impressive beauty to the world … it is simply IKARI ”
Dr. Seginy is recognized internationally for his results with dermal fillers, Botox and different types of lasers, as well as, an international speaker in one of the world’s most prestigious conferences, IMCAS Paris. Dr. Seginy founded a chain of aesthetic medicine clinics. Starting with one branch based in his home city Alexandria, spreading to four branches in different cities.
Dr. Seginy is the founder of “Seginy Medical Solutions”, a project offering medical solutions for entrepreneurs and investors to start their own business in the field of aesthetic medical clinics, young practitioners seeking enriched, one-on-one and group training sessions concerning the latest aesthetic procedures and clients in need of medical aesthetic and cosmetic help.
Dr. Samir el Seginy
BodyArt Clinic – Alexandria, Egypt